
Diabetes is a disorder in which the blood sugar (glucose) level becomes extremely high because of a lack or inefficiency of the hormone Insulin, which is secreted by the pancreatic beta-cells and prevents glucose from entering the cells. When blood sugar levels surpass a particular threshold (>180 mg%), extra sugar begins to pass into the urine (glucosuria).

Types of Diabetes

Type 1 (Childhood Diabetes):Insulin is low. Early-onset symptoms. Symptoms include thirst, hunger, frequent urination, unexplained weight loss, and fatigue. Kid may go unconscious. Insulin saves child. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is another name. It can happen at any age, but usually before 10 years old. Type1 diabetes affects 5% of diabetics.

Type 2 (adult-onset diabetes): Insulin is insufficient or ineffective. Symptoms develop slowly. Itching all over the body (especially private regions), exhaustion, decreased vision/frequent change of glasses, increased appetite & thirst, increased urine, tingling and numbness in hands or feet, sexual issues (impotence), and delayed/non-healing wounds are common symptoms. It usually happens after 40, however fat and unhealthy youngsters and teenagers might develop it.

Gestational Diabetes: Obese or genetically predisposed women can develop diabetes briefly during pregnancy. In 30–50% of individuals, this kind of diabetes persists after delivery. All pregnant diabetics must receive insulin, the only safe agent. Oral pills can treat postpartum diabetes.

Secondary diabetes is caused by pancreatic illnesses, drugs, or hormones.

Why Choose Green City Hospital for Diabetology?

Green City Hospital employs a team of qualified diabetologists that are professionals in their specialty. Years of experience in diagnosing and treating Type 1, Type 2, and gestational diabetes have been accumulated by them. The hospital’s diabetologists are educated to employ the most up-to-date diagnostic equipment and therapeutic methods to give their patients the finest care possible.

Modern Equipment: The hospital is outfitted with the most up-to-date tools and technology to aid in the accurate diagnosis and management of diabetes. The hospital has a cutting-edge laboratory that provides cutting-edge services like continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), HbA1c testing, and insulin pump therapy. These services contribute to the early detection and control of diabetes, which improves patient outcomes.

Comprehensive Services: Green City Hospital provides a wide range of diabetology services, such as foot care, nutrition advice, and diabetes education. Diabetologists at the hospital collaborate closely with their patients to create personalised treatment regimens that are suited to their particular requirements and medical background.

Green City Hospital is dedicated to offering patients high-quality care. Patients are treated with kindness and are given a welcoming and helpful environment by the hospital staff. Diabetologists at the hospital take the time to listen to their patients’ worries and address their inquiries, ensuring that they are knowledgeable about their condition and available treatments.

What takes place in a patient with Diabetes?

Food is digested in the stomach and small intestines, turned into glucose, and absorbed into the circulation. Insulin helps it enter millions of cells from blood. After eating, the pancreas releases insulin automatically. Cells burn glucose, a fuel, to provide energy for our body.

Insulin insufficiency or inefficiency causes diabetes. Insulin moves blood glucose into cells (for the release of energy). With diabetes, glucose can’t enter cells and rises in blood (Hyperglycaemia). Diabetics are usually weary because their cells can’t create energy.

Green City Hospital Services, Diagnosis and Treatments in Diabetology


Blood glucose monitoring: Regular monitoring of blood glucose levels is essential in managing diabetes.

Nutritional counselling: Proper nutrition is crucial in managing diabetes. Our Green City Hospital registered dietitian can help you plan a healthy and balanced diet that meets your specific needs.

Physical activity: Regular physical activity is important in controlling blood glucose levels and maintaining overall health. Our Green City Hospital physical therapist or certified diabetes educator can help you develop an exercise plan that suits your needs.

Diabetes education:Green City Hospital Endocrinologist can educate the patients about the diabetes and how to manage it.


Blood tests: Blood tests can be used to measure blood glucose levels, hemoglobin A1C (a measure of average blood glucose levels over the past 2-3 months), and other indicators of diabetes.

Oral glucose tolerance test: This test involves drinking a glucose solution and having blood glucose levels measured periodically over a few hours.

Glycated haemoglobin (A1C) test: This test measures the percentage of haemoglobin that has glucose attached to it and provides an estimate of average blood glucose levels over the past 2-3 months.


Lifestyle changes: Healthy lifestyle changes can help control blood glucose levels and prevent complications. This includes maintaining a healthy weight, following a healthy diet, engaging in regular physical activity, and avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption.

Medications: Various medications are available to help manage blood glucose levels in people with diabetes. These include insulin, oral medicationsand injectable medications.

Insulin pump therapy: An insulin pump is a small device that delivers insulin continuously throughout the day.

Bariatric surgery: In some cases, weight loss surgery may be recommended for people with diabetes who are obese.

Request an Appointment

    How to deal with Diabetes

    Consume less salt – Consuming excessive amounts of salt can raise your blood pressure, which raises your risk of heart disease and stroke. Additionally, you are already more susceptible to all of these diseases if you have diabetes.

    Intake of Carbohydrates – Your blood sugar levels rise as a result of your body converting the carbohydrates you eat into glucose. Hence, consuming fewer carbohydrates can help with blood sugar regulation.

    Fibre Content – Consuming a lot of fibre can help with blood sugar control. In this regard, soluble dietary fibre seems to be superior to insoluble fibre.

    Stress – You may be able to control your blood sugar levels by controlling your stress levels through exercise or relaxation techniques like yoga.

    Hydration – Hydration helps lower blood sugar levels and the risk of developing diabetes. Avoid beverages with added sugar and opt instead for water and zero-calorie liquids.


    The goal of orthopaedics, is to treat the musculoskeletal system. This comprises your muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones.

    Your orthopaedic work may involve replacing entire joints, such as the hips and knees, after rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis or damage. Along with infections and tumours, you’ll also deal with congenital and degenerative musculoskeletal disorders, which commonly affect infants and youngsters.

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    In orthopaedics, lower back pain is one of the most prevalent conditions. Virtually everyone eventually deals with back discomfort. It frequently starts out mildly and subsides with time. But occasionally, symptoms are so severe that they demand medical attention.

    our experts

    Dr Sudhindra 

    Consultant Physician & Diabetologist

    Dr Apoorva R R

    Consultant Physician & Diabetologist 

    Dr Sunil Kuma

    Consultant Physician & Diabetologist 


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