Green City Hospital provides extensive physiotherapy treatments to patients to aid in their recovery, rehabilitation, and management of various musculoskeletal and neurological problems. 

  • • Assessment and Evaluation: To analyse patients’ physical conditions, functional capacities, and unique needs, the physiotherapy department at Green City Hospital performs detailed assessments.
  • Individualized Treatment Plans: The physiotherapists create treatment plans that are specific to each patient’s needs and goals based on the findings of the assessment.
  • Manual Therapy: To increase mobility, lessen pain, and improve functional abilities, Green City Hospital’s physiotherapy services include manual therapy techniques such joint mobilization, soft tissue mobilization, and manual stretching.
  • Therapeutic Exercises: Physiotherapists recommend and direct patients through therapeutic exercises meant to improve range of motion, strengthen muscles, and improve general physical function.
  • Patient Education and Home Exercise plans: To encourage self-care and sustained improvement outside the hospital setting, physiotherapists instruct patients about their diseases, demonstrate good body mechanics, and offer home exercise plans.
  • Rehabilitation Programs: Comprehensive rehabilitation programs for disorders like stroke, spinal cord injuries, sports injuries, and post-surgical rehabilitation may be included in Green City Hospital’s physiotherapy services.


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